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 A Research on the Relationship between Teachers’ Social and Emotional Competence and Students’ Social and Emotional Competence    


 教师社会情感能力 ; 学生社会情感能力 ; 师生关系 ; 班级管理效能感 ; 社会情感学习信念 ; 影响因素    


 Teachers' Social and Emotional Competence ; Students’ Social and Emotional Competence ; Teacher-Student Relationship ; Classroom Management Efficacy ; Social and Emotional Learning Belief ; Influencing Factors    

新时代背景下,为了提升教育质量,实现“整全的人”的培养目标,学生社会情感能力日渐成为基础教育领域的关注焦点。要培养什么的学生,我们就需要什么样的教师,因此,教师自身社会情感能力的重要意义也日渐凸显。本研究以生态系统理论为基础构建分析框架,采用质性和量化相结合的混合研究方法,从教师社会情感能力对学生社会情感能力的作用过程和作用的影响因素两个方面来深入探讨两者之间的关系。 首先在文献回顾的基础之上,本研究将教师社会情感能力界定为:教师理解和管理情感,以成功地解决问题,在家庭、学校和社会上做出适当行为的能力,具体包含六个维度:自我认知、自我管理、他人认知、他人管理、集体认知和集体管理。依据这一理论内涵、结合对教师的访谈、借鉴国内外成熟量表,本研究开发了教师社会情感能力的测量工具,最终形成由22个题项构成的六因素量表。探索性因素分析结果表明六个因素的累积解释率达到73.04%;验证性因素分析主要指标结果如下:?2/d?=3.140; RMSEA=0.053[<0.08]; CFI=0.945[>0.90]; TLI=0.937[>0.90]; SRMR=0.041[<0.08]。总问卷内部一致性系数 Cronbach ?为0.93,六个因素的一致性系数Cronbach ?范围在0.80~0.91之间。在此基础上,基于834份有效教师数据的社会情感能力现状分析发现:(1)教师社会情感能力自评得分较高,六个维度按照平均分从高到低依次为:集体管理、集体认知、自我认知、他人认知、自我管理和他人管理;(2)教师社会情感能力在性别、年龄、职务、是否担任班主任方面存在显著性差异。 在教师社会情感能力对学生社会情感能力的作用过程方面,基于834份教师数据的量化分析发现:(1)教师社会情感能力对学生社会情感能力有直接预测作用;(2)师生关系的亲密性、班级管理效能感、社会情感学习信念在教师社会情感能力与学生社会情感能力的关系中起中介作用;(3)社会情感学习信念和师生关系的亲密性在两者的关系中发挥链式中介作用。 在教师社会情感能力作用的影响因素方面,基于34名教师的访谈资料分析结果发现,指向学生社会情感能力发展,教师感知的影响其自身社会情感能力作用的因素可以归纳为三类:源自学生个人的高要求因素、源自环境系统的促进性因素和源自环境系统的阻碍性因素。源自学生个人的高要求因素包括特殊学生和年龄阶段两个方面,其中特殊学生又分为有智力或学习障碍的学生、有心理问题的学生两种类型。源自环境系统的促进性因素包括:(1)学校微观系统中的社会情感学习及相关项目实践,制度和人际支持;(2)外观系统中合作项目的培训与指导。源自环境系统的阻碍性因素包括:(1)学校微观系统中的教学空间限制;(2)中观系统的家校互动问题;(3)外观系统中相关教育政策和现实的限制;(4)宏观系统中的不良社会舆论,时代背景下的家庭关系变化。 本研究在厘清概念内涵、开发测量工具的基础上,验证了教师社会情感能力对学生社会情感能力的正向预测作用,明确了具体的作用过程以及影响这一作用的因素。研究结论一方面凸显了教师社会情感能力的重要意义,为教育管理研究和实践领域更加关注教师社会情感能力的培训和提升提供了实证依据;另一方面为教师提供了在教育教学实践中培养学生社会情感能力的可能方法和路径;此外,还指出了学校、家庭、教育管理部门等相关主体在学生社会情感能力培养过程中的重要影响,为各主体了解自身作用提供了依据,为提升教师作用效果,真正促进学生社会情感能力发展奠定了基础。
In the new era, in order to improve the quality of education and achieve the goal of cultivating the "whole people", the social and emotional competence of students has increasingly become the focual point in the aera of primary education. To cultivate this kind of students, we need this kind of teachers. In this context, the importance of teachers' own social and emotional competence is increasingly prominent. On the basis of the ecological system theory, the research adopted the mixed research method to explore the impact of teachers' social and emotional competence on their students’ social and emotional competence as well as the factors that affect the relationship between them. On the basis of literature review, the definition of teachers' social and emotional competence proposed in this study was as follows: the ability to understand and manage emotions in order to successfully solve problems and behave appropriately at home, school and in society. Specifically, it included six dimensions: self-awareness, self-management, others' awareness, others' management, collective awareness and collective management. Based on the theoretical connotation and teachers’ interview as well as referring to the mature scales at home and abroad, this study developed a measuring tool for teachers' social and emotional competence, and finally formed a 6-factor, 22-item questionnaire. EFA (Exploratory Factor Analysis) showed that the six factors’ common accumulation explanation rate reached 73.04%; CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) showed the results: ?2/d?=3.140; RMSEA=0.053[<0.08]; CFI =0.945[>0.90]; TLI=0.937[>0.90]; SRMR=0.041 [<0.08]. The total Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the questionnaire was 0.93, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient of six factors were between 0.80 and 0.91. Based on 834 valid teacher data , the analysis of the status quo of social and emotional competence found that: (1) the self-report scores of teachers' social and emotional competence were relatively high; (2) there were significant differences in teachers' social and emotional competence in terms of gender, age, position and whether they served as head teachers. To explore the process that teachers’ social and emotional competence impact their students’ social and emotional competence, based on data from 834 teachers, quantitative analysis found that: (1) teachers' social and emotional competence was a direct predictor for students’ social and emotional competence; (2) the closeness of teacher-student relationship , the class management efficacy and social and emotional learning beliefs mediated the predicting effect; (3) social and emotional learning beliefs and the closeness of teacher-student relationship served as a chain mediating role between them. To explore the factors affect the relationships, based on the interview of 34 teachers, the study found that regarding to students' social and emotional competence, teachers' perception of the influencing factors included three categories: demanding factors from students, facilitating factors and obstructive factors from the ecology. Demanding factors came from students, including the special need and the age, while special need were divided into intellectual or learning disabilities and psychological problems. Facilitating factors included: social and emotional learning and related project practice, system and interpersonal support in the school microsystem; training and guidance of cooperative projects in exosystem. Obstructive factors included: the limited teaching space in the school microsystem; problems with family-school interactions from mesosystem; the limitations of relevant educational policies and realities in the exosystem; the unfavorable social public opinion and the family policy change in macrosystem. On the basis of stating the definition and developing the measurement scale, the study verified that teachers' social and emotional competence positively predicted students’ social and emotional competence and clarified the specific process and the influencing factors. On the one hand, the study highlighted the importance of teachers' social and emotional competence, providing empirical basis for more attention to it in education management research and practice field; on the other hand, it provided teachers with the possible methods that they can adopt to help students’ social and emotional developement; moreover, the study also pointed out the important influence of schools, families, educational management departments and other related parties in the cultivating process of students' social and emotional competence, which provided a basis for each party to understand their own role, and served as the foundation for improving the effect of teachers to promote the development of students' social and emotional competence.

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